About Me:
Meet Josh Muzzi, a talented violist whose musical journey began at the age of 3 with the Suzuki method. Coming from a background rooted in dedication and passion for music, Josh's early talent propelled him to multiple appearances in the Michigan All-State Orchestra and a handful of victories in both solo and quartet competitions. Eager to further his musical education, Josh pursued studies at the University of Memphis and later at the esteemed Cleveland Institute of Music. Under the guidance of renowned mentors such as Lenny Schranze, Robert Vernon, and Wesley Collins, Josh honed his craft and developed a deep understanding of musical expression. Today, Josh is a prominent figure in the regional orchestral scene, gracing the stages of acclaimed ensembles including the Canton Symphony, Akron Symphony, and Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestras.
In addition to his orchestral endeavors, Josh brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his violin and viola teaching, with 9 years of experience working with students both in-person and online.
As a trained Suzuki-certified instructor, Josh is dedicated to providing quality Suzuki instruction to young students.
Josh is well-versed in both Suzuki and traditional teaching methods, allowing him to tailor his approach to best meet the needs and goals of each student.
Josh Muzzi's teaching philosophy is rooted in a commitment to excellence and providing individualized instruction to each violin and viola student.
By focusing on developing musical concepts such as tone, pitch, rhythm, articulation, and phrasing, Josh aims to empower his students with the tools necessary to express themselves in unique and beautiful ways.